Dear Room 5 Families,
As this season of thankfulness and gratitude is upon us, I am compelled to share my deep gratitude for each of you and all of your support.
It is a joy to spend my days with your children as they make discoveries, deep connections and grow in their social emotional development each and every day. They make me laugh with their pure and simple humor. They make me smile with their kindness and thoughtfulness for one another and for me. They make me proud of their perseverance in all things. They are stronger than they know, more creative that one could imagine and more independent than they were in August. They are beautiful people and I am grateful for each and every one of them.
Enjoy your time with family and friends this Thanksgiving holiday!!
Mrs. Milman
May 23
Hi families! Today there were math books sent home for your child to prepare for second grade. These books are for you to keep at home and...
This Friday will be the full Spelling Bee test. The words on this week's homework will be studied this week and next week, and that te...
December is here and I can hardly believe this year is coming to a close! There are so many exciting events just around the corner! Ple...
What an unprecedented week last week. I am keeping everyone effected by the fires in my thoughts. This week will be filled with pre-holida...